Wednesday 26 December 2018

This Time more than any other time....

After, cruel, mean ridicule recieved by evil people, I am revisiting this. I start again on Jan 1st. What this space, expect miracles.

Saturday 15 September 2018

Here we go again.....again..

So My weight has stayed constant at embarrassingly fat. Starting today, that is (probably) going to change! I have a short term goal to drop 10lbs by 21/10/18. That date is a cyclo cross race where I cannot lose to cycling chum and fellow fatty Andy. Here we go! Starting weight 206.8lbs

Wednesday 27 April 2016

Yeah Yeah

Yeah, yeah, I know. We have been here before. regularly. I am a lard arse and need to lose weight. This year (like every other year) things will be different. probably. This is the famous wiggle whale photo. yeah laugh you gits.